The first adjective that comes to mind when you consider M/M, GLBT, shifter stories probably isn't "sweet" or "tender" but hey- why not? In this short-short story attached to the Kinky Kritters series, Amani and Nero deal with the fall out from events in Book 2. The story stands well alone, as it's briefly explained that Nero, the ferret of the title and Amani, a lion shifter, met during traumatic circumstances and though they're now together working at the Kinky Kritters bar, there are still some shadows to lift. Just how the dominant and straight-forward Nero approaches this is the heart of the story and it's a lovely exposition of putting the needs of someone else before ones own. Yes, it's Adults Only, but it's a feel-good story. I'm not privy (yet) to how the shifting part works as the men remain in human shape throughout this short, but I'm sure the authors manage that with grace and humour.
Flirting with the Ferret is a new release from eXtasy Books. To read it, and to check out the rest of the series, trot along to THIS LINK.
Who are we? The Love Weavers are a bunch of writers. We all write for Extasy Books and/or Devine Destinies and a lot of us write in other places as well. We write in multiple genres for general and adult readership. Many of our books are love stories of some kind or another, and we enjoy looking at love in all its wonderful variety.
The purpose of this blog is to tell our readers something about our craft, our passion for stories, how we build our worlds, what characters we choose and why, how we use clothing, food, music, weather, colour, themes, symbolism, history, science, and (okay) love to bring these stories to life.
Some of our posts are suitable for general readers.
These will have a big G at the top. (G)
Some are in between.
These may have a big PG13 at the top. (PG13)
Some of our posts are suitable for adults only.
These will have a big AO at the top. (AO)
Welcome to The Love Weavers' blog. We can't wait to share the love.
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